© Hamed Eftekhari


Reg.-Nr.: J0002274577

© Hamed Eftekhari


The mission of Charbagh Association is to serve as a bridge between Middle Eastern and European cultures, art, and architecture. We aim to foster a discussion on specific cultural imaginary worlds and facilitate exchanges between these regions through practical activities. Our goal is to create a platform that enables the implementation of common strategic activities, promoting understanding, collaboration, and appreciation of diverse cultural perspectives.

To achieve our mission, we will engage in various key activities. Firstly, we will organize events such as excursions, workshops, seminars, and exhibitions that bring together individuals from both Middle Eastern and European backgrounds. These events will provide opportunities for cultural exchange and dialogue.

Additionally, we will focus on content generation related to art and architecture. Through publishing initiatives such as magazines, weblogs, and social media platforms, we will showcase the work of artists and architects from both regions. This will not only promote their talent but also create awareness about the rich cultural heritage they represent.

© Hamed Eftekhari


The vision of Charbagh Association is to serve as a dynamic and influential bridge between Middle Eastern and European cultures, art, and architecture. We envision a world where the rich cultural heritage of both regions is celebrated, explored, and shared, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation among individuals from diverse backgrounds. Through our platform, we aim to create a specific cultural imaginary world that sparks meaningful discussions and exchanges.

In the first quarter (Q1), our focus will be on establishing a strong foundation for the association. This includes incorporating the association, registering it officially, developing a comprehensive business plan, creating a user-friendly website, and outlining a roadmap for future activities.

In the second quarter (Q2), we will prioritize content management by launching an online publication that showcases articles, interviews, and features related to Middle Eastern and European cultures, art, and architecture. We will also explore opportunities for advertisement partnerships to generate revenue. Additionally, we will organize trips or excursions both online and in-person to facilitate cultural exchanges.

In the third quarter (Q3), our goal is to expand our reach through printed publications. We will actively seek sponsorships to support these publications while continuing to organize trips that provide immersive experiences for members.

In the fourth quarter (Q4), we will focus on organizing impactful events that bring together individuals from both regions. One such event would be Nowruz in Zurich, celebrating the Persian New Year. Additionally, we will host virtual events such as lectures by renowned experts in art and architecture. We also plan to organize workshops in Iran to provide hands-on learning experiences for members.

© Hamed Eftekhari


The Charbagh Association offers a unique value proposition as a bridge between Middle Eastern and European cultures, art, and architecture. By facilitating exchanges and discussions on specific cultural imaginary worlds, the association aims to foster a deeper understanding and appreciation of both regions.

Through its practical activities, the association actively seeks common strategic activities to implement these exchanges. This includes organizing excursions, workshops, seminars, events, and exhibitions that bring together individuals from both Middle Eastern and European backgrounds.

The association also plays a vital role in publishing and advertising through various media channels such as magazines, weblogs, and social media platforms. This allows for wider dissemination of information and promotes the work of its members.

Collaboration with related institutions such as universities (ETH, Luzern) further enhances the association's value proposition. By leveraging connections to academic environments on both sides, as well as embassies, architectural forums, artistic forums, and chambers of commerce, the association is able to provide valuable networking opportunities for its members.